Highs and Lows

Fair warning: there’s some adult content here!

Stuff that makes me feel good:

  • I’ve been getting into a groove with exercising in the mornings. I found this fitness program that I really like on the local PBS station. It’s a sort of ballet/classical dance based program and each episode is only about 25 minutes long. I went looking for DVDs online and found that in addition to the DVDs you can subscribe to a bigger catalog of streaming programs, so I did that instead. With my employer fitness program subsidy it only costs me about $7 a month. In case anyone wants to try these classes they’re at essentrics.com. At the end of each session I say “Thank you, Miranda Esmonde-White!”
  • One of my close friends from Chicago contacted me a couple days ago and asked if it would work for her to visit me over Labor Day weekend. Yes!! She scored a super cheap flight. We’re going to have so much fun!!
  • I’ve been listening to the Against the Stream podcasts more often and thinking about how I can add meditation into my days. I’ve sat a couple of times for a whole 20 breaths.  Woo hoo!
  • In a totally different vein, I’ve also been amused by listening to the Guys we F****d podcasts (NSFW!), starting with the oldest ones first. I still have quite a few to catch up on, but am finding them intriguing. I admire that these young women are claiming their sexuality so boldly, and find some of their advice to be spot on, yet at the same time I think they still have some things to learn about relationships. But they are stand up comedians, so the podcast isn’t meant to be super serious. A few of the shows have been annoying, but I just skip past those. It will be interesting to see how the podcast continues to develop as I catch up with the current episodes.

Not so good stuff:

  • I cried during a conference call today. I think my colleagues (both women) knew what was happening. One sent me an email message tonight that was really nice. I’ve been working on a project that is really frustrating the hell out of me because I seem to be hitting all sorts of roadblocks. The project team keeps telling me I need to step up and make some progress, and that just is getting to be too much for me because besides this project I have like 5 billion other things I am supposed to be doing. I have 3,500 emails in my inbox. I’m waaaaayyyy behind on just about everything, and I keep getting more piled on. My new boss (yes, I have a new boss and a new organization I’m kinda sorta not quite fully integrated into) says things like “Just speak up when you need help,” so I do and the people he tells me to get help from are also already really busy and help just a tiny bit and then it just bounces right back to me. *sigh* Every Friday I am ECSTATIC that the weekend is nearly here. Every Monday I am hopeful. By Wednesday, I am frequently in the pit of despair. But I have a job, right? I am employed and able to pay my bills and all that. That’s good, right? Right?
  • I am currently in a stand-off with my father and stepmother. When I was back in Chicago for my mother’s 75th birthday my dad was unexpectedly hospitalized. I hadn’t been planning to add a visit to my dad that trip, but I had a rental car and some flexibility in my schedule so I drove out to see him in the hospital. He was released a few days later and has been doing OK, but I apparently made a couple critical errors around that whole event. I didn’t know that he and stepmother don’t want any references to them EVER posted on social media. I had made a reference on my Facebook account to going to the hospital to see him and what his condition was. Big error, apparently. A lurking relative contacted dad and stepmom about his “health scare” which is how they got tipped off. They let me know they did not like that I had posted something about them on Facebook, etc., etc. Fine, I took my lumps and said I wouldn’t ever reference them again on any social media [which I guess I’m sort of breaking right now], but apparently that wasn’t enough and they were still miffed about it. Also, the fact that I had expressed any interest at all in dad’s treatment by asking questions was seen as bad, too. When sister had a visit with dad and stepmom last month, stepmom apparently complained vehemently about how I had not only shared information about dad’s health with all sorts of people who didn’t need to know (and not just mentioning that he had been hospitalized on Facebook, but likely talking to my friends about it, horrors!!) but that I also had tried to give my dad medical advice. ????? I guess by asking questions, I was giving advice. So for the past three weeks I have been in a f*** them mood and refused to call them, and since they refuse to call any of their “kids” (we are expected to call them once a week…yes, EXPECTED, as they have made abundantly clear to me) we are in a stand off. They’re older than me and not in as good health as me, so I’m gonna bet they break first. We’ll see.

Not sure if good or bad:

  • Last weekend I did some social media “gardening” (such as removing some “friends,” etc.). One of the things I did was update my Google profile photo. I don’t use Google +, although I do have an account, but I use Gmail and comment on Blogspot blogs and had noticed that my photo was very old (like, at least 14 years old!). So I changed it out for a more recent one. Ever since then I’ve been getting notifications that men I do not know (they are all men) had added me to their circles. I have checked my G+ privacy settings and strangers should not be able to add me to their circles, so I’m very confused by this development. And a little creeped out by it, too. Is G+ now some sort of clandestine dating site where guys troll for women? WTH?!
  • I had a very odd, but very sexual dream about an old boyfriend last night. The boyfriend in my dream was someone I dated a very long time (like nearly 30 years) ago. I had ended the relationship because he had become very disrespectful of me (by cheating a couple times, and essentially raping me once) and then proceeded to creepily stalk me for a while afterwards. So it disturbs me that I had this dream about him and it involved sexual stuff. Certainly I’m feeling healthier these days because I’m having…ahem…cravings, but to dream about this particular guy in this particular way…ewww. Maybe I need to listen to less Guys we F****d podcasts.

6 thoughts on “Highs and Lows

  1. Ah, the sex dreams. Good times. I’ve had em about friends and work people but never an ex, thankfully. ACK and I hope you can get that out of your mind asap.

    Google + is just …. f-ed. Spammy and weird.

    I’m not a podcast/audio person at all but giving this one a go as I type this. (Kinda waiting for the ‘interview’ part… the blurb says they actually talk to the guys? Which intrigues me!)

    Sorry to hear about the work stress. I know that feeling of overwhelm. And am starting to get used to working on projects that are bigger than me and that I cannot progress alone. 😦


    • Another dream last night where I was in a location where that guy was lurking off stage, so to speak. I was a bit anxious in my dream about him popping up, but he never did, thank goodness. I haven’t yet figured out what’s going on in my headspace around this, but at some point it will probably come clear.

      I deleted my G+ profile yesterday. It was annoying me that I was getting at least 5 notifications a day that some random guy had added my profile.

      Yes, they do actually interview guys. They also have guests who talk about their sexual and relationship experiences. The one I’m listening to most recently features Dan Savage as a guest. His podcast, SavageLove, is one that I often make time to listen to, as well. Sex and sexuality are still something so many people are uncomfortable talking about. That story that the one young woman on Guys we F****d notes in her intro where is is slut-shamed is so real and unfair.

      It’s Friday and yesterday there was another progress break through on the horribly stressful project. Hooray! Hopefully the progress won’t be revealed as a chimera early next week as has happened in previous weeks. :-/


  2. I really hope that work starts to come together so that it’s not such a slog. You do such long hours and what a stinker for it to be this frustrating as well!

    Ugh to the dreams involving such a horrible ex. I have no idea what the subconscious means by bringing up bad memories in weird contexts given the history but it’d be great if it would knock that off. You lived it once, you don’t need it coming back, TYVM.

    Sorry about the family stuff – you’ve mentioned before that you didn’t have a great dynamic with them so this seems of a piece with that. Also frustrating that they have to make a big, negative, deal out of your concern for his health.

    Yay for the visit on Labor Day weekend and exercise, what fun!


  3. The Essentrics woman’s stretching workouts are on PBS here. I’ve been taping them – haven’t had the energy to do one yet, but hope springs eternal ;-D


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